Monday, 26 January 2015

Software Testing Levels:An Overview

In my last article we have seen the basics of Software Testing. Now lets go in to the detailed view of Software Testing levels.

We generally perform Testing at four levels.

1.Unit Testing.

2.Integration Testing

3.System Testing.

4.Acceptance Testing.

1.Unit Testing:

When the development team has completed any one module then Unit testing can be performed on that module to ensure that it is working fine. Unit Testing is performed by developers. This is the first level in any kind of testing. 

2.Integration Testing:

Once the module is working fine the development team will integrate that module with one or more modules. So now the module should work fine after integration, To ensure that Integration Testing is performed. Integration testing will also check the communication between two modules/units.

3.System Testing:

Once all the modules are integrated and the Integration testing was performed the product will undergo System Testing where the entire system will be tested as whole. System Testing may include both Functional and Non Functional Testing. 

Functional Testing means to check whether all the required functionality is working fine or not. Where as Non Functional Testing means to check the performance under different loads for example Performance Testing, Stress Test etc.

4.Acceptance Testing:

This Testing is performed mostly at client site. This will include Alpha and Beta Testing. This Testing is to ensure all the customer/Client requirements are fulfilled by the product. Beta Testing will not involve development team and it will be performed at client site.

This all about the Testing levels.